Welcome to The Guppy Fish Tank!

I started keeping guppy fish a month ago with my 5 gallon tank which is too small and that is why I decided to buy a bigger tank for me to keep more guppies since I find them very entertaining and relaxing at the same time. I put my 20 gallon tank beside my dinner table and kitchen sink so I can watch them all swimming while working at home. Best idea ever!

Photo not mine. Credits to Pinterest.

Week after week, I keep on adding new fish to the tank and right now, I have 2 tanks and 1 huge fish bowl where I keep my female guppies and at the same time, for breeding purposes as well.

Aside from guppies, I also have 2 dwarf gouramis, 6 zebra danios, 6 mollies and 5 corycat fish. I will also try to have more different fish that are compatible with my fancy guppies since not all freshwater fish can be added with guppies.

I am also planning to buy another 20 gallon tank and try breeding quality guppies and try selling them. In the Philippines, I have been seeing several people selling high-quality guppies for 500 pesos per pair. Some do it as their main job so since I am into guppy keeping now, why not earn money from it, right?

One good example of a high-quality guppy breed. Look at that long fins and tail! In the Philippines, this breed can be sold at maybe 600 to 1,000 pesos. Most of the time, this type of guppy breed can be found in Thailand. Photo credits to All Aquarium Info.
I would also like let you know that I am not a professional guppy keeper. As I mentioned earlier, I just started a month ago and to be honest, I am not confident with my knowledge in this hobby since I still see dead guppies in my tank every now and then.

Maybe one tip that I can share with you now is about water changing. Do not do 100% water change since this will stress your fish and definitely will kill them! Learned it the hard way.

What I do is I bought this 20 gallon bucket where I store all water for a week and then use it during my water change and I only do 30% change every week but I do scrub the inside of my tank every time I change the water.

A lot of people say that guppies can live without an air-pump or water filter. They say that if you only put live plants in your tank, guppies can survive. But I still have an all in one air pump and water filter that I bought here.

The reason why I created this blog is for me to share with you guys my knowledge in keeping and breeding healthy guppies and while doing it, I will make sure to learn more things about this wonderful hobby! Let's put it this way, this blog is created by a newbie in guppy keeping for newbies in guppy keeping. I might give you some wrong advises so if you know better, please correct me by commenting on the comment box below the post.

Stay tuned for my next update. Bye for now! XO


  1. Địa chỉ bán các loại màn hình cũ giá rẻ uy tín ở đâu? Đây hẳn là thông tin những ai đang có dự định tìm mua linh kiện này quan tâm. Nếu bạn cũng đang tìm cho mình địa chỉ bán các loại màn hình cũ giá rẻ, hãy tham khảo thông tin ở bài viết dưới đây nhé

    Địa Chỉ Bán Các Loại Màn Hình Cũ Giá Rẻ Uy Tín Ở Đâu

  2. Địa chỉ bán các loại màn hình cũ giá rẻ uy tín ở đâu? Đây hẳn là thông tin những ai đang có dự định tìm mua linh kiện này quan tâm. Nếu bạn cũng đang tìm cho mình địa chỉ bán các loại màn hình cũ giá rẻ, hãy tham khảo thông tin ở bài viết dưới đây nhé

    Địa Chỉ Bán Các Loại Màn Hình Cũ Giá Rẻ Uy Tín Ở Đâu


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